This past Wednesday was my birthday which means birthday week just ended today. As I sit here typing I am quite le tired. I'm not a big birthday person but when people want to celebrate another year of you living - you can't say no. On my actual birthday I was treated to lots of cupcakes, streamers, and pizza at work. At night my sweet boyfriend and friends planned a surprise dinner for me at the restaurant where they film the bar scenes for New Girl. I die. Then last night we danced the night away like the biggest bunch of dorks you'd ever seen. Between me and three of my best friends, our birthdays are all within about three weeks of each other. Hence, birthday season. I am happy to pass my birthday crown and Hello Kitty sash on to the next gal. Cheers to another year!
Raga crochet lace tunic / Dailylook flat snake chain bracelet / Vanessa Mooney rock steady body chain and souxsie bracelets