I've been really into florals lately. Florals during summer- shocking. These days I'm either in a dress or bell bottoms. Really doing my part to perpetuate that Southern California stereotype. I follow a lot of New York bloggers a couple of girls in Europe. I see their more polished and monochromatic outfits and I think to myself, YES, I want to be that. But guess what? I turn right around and throw that boho for days outfit on. Can't teach a dog new tricks indeed.
meet me at sunset
posted on: Saturday, June 21, 2014
My boyfriend and photographer has a great knack for finding really awesome places to wander and check out. If you have been following me for a while then you know I am no stranger to hiking in heels or sitting at the edge of cliffs against my will. All those epic mountains, forests, and cityscapes are because he introduced them to me. His adventurous spirit trumps mine in a heart beat. The reason I bring this all up is because A. give credit where credit is due young(ish) lady and B. I can't even discover a park a couple miles down the street on my own. Amateur hour or what?! We all can't be winners. On this particular day I jumped on the back of his motorcycle (what a hunk!) in my totally motorcycle appropriate outfit and we caught the sun setting over Silverlake. Romantic or what?
Austin Skirt .
Austin Top .
For Love & Lemons .
Solestruck .
Windsor Smith
safe for the moment
posted on: Wednesday, June 18, 2014
So today I realized that June is on its way out, summer is in full swing, and I barely noticed any of it. What in the who what?! Between work and blog life I don't think I'm taking enough time to completely unplug. That is just no way to live! But don't get me wrong, I love what I do which is why it's easy for me to get lost in it. But with that said, I definitely need a staycation or some sort of equivalent soon. More girlfriend wine nights and beach bum days where the only plan is to not have a plan. Maybe a bonfire if I'm feeling frisky? Haha just kidding. I said I want to have more fun, not feel like I'm in high school again. I'm starting by putting a little pep in my step by wearing something from one of my favorite shops Van De Vort. Anything and everything I ever want, they carry. Kindred souls? I'd like to think so. Definitely my go-to for all my California, boho needs.
So here's to enjoying summer before it's too late!
Bohemian Bones top and dress via Van De Vort / Vanessa Mooney ring and bracelets
made for pearl
posted on: Friday, June 13, 2014
Well hello there Friday...the 13th. Spooky! What a fantastic feeling just having the weekend be at your fingertips. Speaking of fantastic feelings, there's nothing quite like buttery suede- in fringe no less. This skirt is made by my favorite new brand Made for Pearl. All the pieces are inspired by the electrifying style, energy, and vibe of Janis Joplin. I can't think of many women who compete with that woman's style and voice. Personification of cool comes to mind. Topped my fringed beauty off with this crop from my other love, Planet Blue. I have this top in two colors and still feel like I want at least three more. Greedy much?
Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend spent with friends and family. I personally am excited to celebrate the greatest man in my life- my dad!! Cheers to the amazing men that love and raised (put up with) us.
Made for Pearl suede skirt / Planet Blue kiss me crop

on the fringe
posted on: Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Last weekend I did one thing I've done before and one that I hadn't. One was riding on the back of a motorcycle and the other was hiking in heels. Can you guess which was which? You know me too well! Of course I've hiked in heels before. This place was pretty majestic. It will always surprise me how you can drive an hour in one direction and it feels like you're in a totally different world. My inaugural ride on the back of a Harley was not as frightening as expected. I think months on the back of a scooter has prepped me fairly well. I will say, the initial introduction to riding on the freeway at 75 mph was pretty crazy. I felt like my face was going to fly off or at the very least go completely numb. I was proud of myself for being brave and strong, but I can't say the same about my bum. Ouch. Is it normal to hurt that bad? I barely made it home. Guess I'm a big weenie after all.
My lovely friends at Boutique to You (hello there pretty white dress) are offering my amazing readers 25% off your order! Mmmm discounts. Just use the code LBBxBTY. Valid through June 30!
Boutique to You off the shoulder dress / Made for Pearl time fringe bag